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News Letter Vol.32 is Now Available -13 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake

Thirteen years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake struck on March 11, 2011. Many areas affected by the disaster have been rebuilt and people are settling in the new normal. But reconstruction is still underway in difficult-to-return zones damaged from the nuclear power plant accident. In addition, a major earthquake hit the Noto Peninsula on New Year’s Day this year, forcing many people to live as evacuees.

We at Civic Force would like to deliver the various thoughts of those affected by the disaster, those who provided support, and those who are thinking about the disaster. Civic Force held a “Senryu(Japanese short poem)Contest” with the theme of disaster and disaster prevention/mitigation from February 21 to March 24.

In just one month, 1,361 people sent us a total of 3,155 Senryu poems. We are pleased to announce that we have selected a total of 32 works, including one Grand Prize and three Excellence Awards each in two categories, one Civic Force Special Award, and 23 Honorable Mentions.

translated by YWCA ILV

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