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DRR Workshop for Elementary School Students

On July 24, a DRR workshop, Let’s Make DRR Go-Bags, was held at Hosenji Temple in Shiroishi City, Saga Prefecture. The workshop was attended by 20 local elementary school students. The lecturer was a staff member of Omoyai, an organization active in Takeo City. Civic Force collaborated with a corporate partner to provide backpacks with emergency supplies.


In 2019, Shiroishi City was heavily damaged by the heavy rain. During the workshop, the students answered questions such as "what dangers are there in my house" and "where should I evacuate" and learned about better emergency evacuation planning.

The students listened eagerly to the lecturer, "It's important to think about disaster prevention on a regular basis, talk with your family, and get along with everyone on a regular basis so that you can help each other in times of crisis."


Lunch was provided by the parents.

In addition to emergency support activities in the event of a disaster, Civic Force is focusing on efforts to raise awareness of disaster preparedness both inside and outside the region during normal times.

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