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【Furusato Nozei】 Crowdfunding Launched to Provide Hygiene Items in Schools Around Saga

Removing the Barriers

Civic Force provides female hygiene products in women's restrooms at high schools and universities in Saga City. Utilizing items stored at a warehouse, Civic Force has been providing hygiene items at Saga Girls' High School of Saga Women's Junior College since September 2019 and Saga University since November 2011. As of June 2023, Civic Force has provided 13,000 hygiene items.

Civic Force launched a crowdfunding project to continue this initiative.


Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) Project

Duration: July 12 - October 9, 2023

Goal: JPY1,000,000

Women Spend JPY400,000 - 700,000 in a Lifetime on Hygiene Items

According to Women’s Health magazine, women spend about 400,000 to 700,000 yen on sanitary products in their lifetime*. This initiative was started with a shared goal between Civic Force and schools to reduce the financial and psychological burden on students by keeping sanitary products in bathrooms.

Civic Force plans to use the donations collected through crowdfunding to provide sanitary products to schools and increase the number of toilets equipped with sanitary products.


For eligible donors, donation amounts minus 2,000 yen will be deducted from the following year’s residence and income taxes in Japan.


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