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Create emergency preparedness mechanism ProvidingReliefItems Media Partnership

Leveraging the Private Sector during Disaster Recovery

Case study - Amazon

There is a 60-70% chance that large-scale disasters - Nankai Trough earthquake, Chishima Trench/Japan Trench earthquake, and Tokyo Inland Earthquake - will strike within the next 30 years. Heavy rain disasters and typhoons are occurring more frequently in recent years as well.


Large scale disasters expected to strike in Japan (as of Jan 2017); Retrieved from Bousai page, Cabinet Office website

One of Civic Force’s core activities is to create an emergency preparedness mechanism. Through collaborations with various actors, Civic Force is well equipped to respond quickly to emergencies. Private sector engagement is an important Civic Force priority. 

In addition to setting up disaster cooperation agreements with various partners, Civic Force joined “SEMA (Social Emergency Management Alliance)“ in 2017. In 2022, Civic Force began operating Good Links - an online platform to connect corporate partners looking to provide goods and services to aid organizations in need of resources.

In August 2022, Civic Force provided a training session on disaster assistance at Amazon’s distribution center in Tosu, Saga Prefecture. Participants discussed disaster assistance that meets the needs of the affected areas.

The distribution center in Tosu was damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Amazon participated in its recovery while contributing to the local community in various ways - relief item distribution, volunteer activities by the employees, and more. Through the training provided by Civic Force, the participants learned about what is really needed by the affected people and the importance of providing assistance that meets the needs of each individual.

Amazon has more than 20 distribution centers across Japan and a well-established system to effectively transmit goods. Civic Force and Amazon plan to deepen its partnership through disaster assistance in the near future.


Leveraging each partner's unique capacity

Civic Force collaborates with many other companies to help their community service activities. For example, many partners participate in “good with cause” and donate a portion of profits to Civic Force. Clothing companies offer charity items and provide clothing to affected areas, a book business donates the proceeds from selling second-hand books. These are all great examples of how partners leverage their business capacities.

In addition, some companies joined hands with their employees to promote community service including deducting voluntary donations from the employee's salary and a matching gift system in which the company matches a certain percentage of the employee donation. 

Other activities include donating a portion of the proceeds from events held both inside and outside the company, donating advertising revenue from clicks and search donations to Internet service users.


If your company is interested in working with Civic Force to contribute towards disaster assistance and community service, please contact us at These activities can also contribute to the United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

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