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Furusato Nozei in South Korea

In January 2023, modeled after Japan’s, South Korea launched its own version of Furusato Nozei.

Municipalities in both countries actively exchanged ideas to improve upon the Furusato Nozei system. In February, municipal workers from South Korea visited Saga Prefecture and their visit was featured in The Asahi Shimbun on March 26, 2023.

Civic Force supported the launch in South Korea and participated in a Furusato Nozei forum held in South Korea in November 2022.As a recipient of Furusato Nozei donations in Saga, Civic Force also shared its experience with the South Korean representatives.


In Saga, eligible residents of Japan can make a donation through Furusato Nozei and select an NGO as a recipient. 90% of each donation will be disbursed to the recipient organization.

Civic Force is also accepting Furusato Nozei donations from eligible businesses

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