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Create emergency preparedness mechanism Training Partnership

8/7 Civic Force Participates in Disaster Drill Exercise in Omachi, Saga

On August 7, 2022, a disaster drill exercise was conducted in Omachi, Saga. Omachi suffered damages after heavy rains in 2019 and 2021. Local municipality staff and Omachi residents participated in the drill exercise, practicing setting up evacuation centers, and learned about how to protect pets during disasters.

Civic Force partnered with Toyota and demonstrated an electric vehicle that can supply electricity during disasters. Participants learned that they can use electric kettles and charge their phone using the electric vehicle.


A participant remarked, “My car might have a plug, too. I did not know this is how we can use an electric car.” Others asked about how many watts and how long the vehicle could supply electricity.

◆ For more on Toyota’s electric vehicle


Civic Force hosted a disaster drill exercise in Omachi August of last year, fortunately, shortly before a heavy rain struck the town. The exercise contributed to the smooth evacuation center set-up and assistance activities. 

Even in non-emergency times, Civic Force participates in disaster drills and other events and promotes partnerships with different sectors to maintain a high level of preparedness.


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