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Civic Force Launches New Platform to Connect Businesses and Aid Organizations “Good Links”

On July 1, 2022, Civic Force launched a new online platform, Good Links. Good Links connects corporate partners looking to provide goods and services to aid organizations in need of resources. 


What is Good Links?

Good Links is an online matching platform where corporate partners can offer goods and services to aid organizations working on solving social issues. Corporate partners can register the goods and services they can provide and recipient organizations can register through the platform. Aid organizations can also list their needs so that corporate partners can directly contact them. Registration is invitation only and limited to vetted and trusted partners. Good Links is supported by the Koreiru Project funded by The Toyota Foundation. The digital platform was developed with support from Microsoft and its Microsoft Power Platform.



How can we deliver relief items as smoothly as possible during disasters -

Civic Force has been working with this in mind since its establishment in 2009. Speedy assistance during disasters requires well maintained partnerships during non-emergency times. In recent years, poverty has been deepening while the problem of surplus goods in mass production and consumer society is becoming apparent. As a result, Civic Force began exploring opportunities to connect services and goods with aid organizations during non-emergency times. Through Good Links, effective circulation of goods and services is possible for aid organizations, corporate partners, and people in need.

How to register

Good Links accepts goods that are in fine condition and no issues with quality. Food items are only accepted during emergency assistance. The Good Links project team will send an invitation link for registration. Contact:

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