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Civic Force Selected for The Toyota Foundation’s 2021 Domestic Grant Program

Civic Force was selected for The Toyota Foundation’s 2021 Domestic Grant Program. The grant program is awarded to innovative projects promoting local communities. Civic Force’s program is titled “Connecting Aid Organizations and Businesses - Creating a Digital Platform Service.”


This project aims to improve the quality of life of those in societal and financial need through the effective use of social resources and the digital platform “Koreiru (do you need this).” This platform enables businesses to redistribute their excess inventory to people in need through aid organizations and focuses on creating a cycle of connections in the midst of the pandemic. The activities include:


  1. To launch a digital platform, Koreiru
  2. To promote collaborations between organizations, businesses, and local municipalities 
  3. To support people through Koreiru


This initiative seeks to build a community-based assistance framework in which people in need can access services during non-emergencies. Participation of local residents and businesses will allow different actors to connect to support this activity.


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