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Create emergency preparedness mechanism Training ActivityReport

Civic Force Organizes Mock Evacuation Center with Omachi Town

Marking the two-year anniversary of the 2019 Northern Kyushu heavy rain, on August 1, Civic Force organized an evacuation center workshop in Omachi, Saga, focusing on evacuation center management and COVID-19.


The venue was a community center in Omachi Town, one of Civic Force's partner municipalities. Sixty participants included municipality staff, the Saga Architect Association, local residents, and volunteers from Nishikyushu University. The workshop highlighted check-in stations (temperature check, hand sanitizer, and sign-in sheet), an evacuation center tour, and mock evacuation center installation (wall partition for infection prevention, portable beds, and portable toilets).


Participants remarked:

"Two years since the disaster, residents themselves have to think about disaster preparedness. The workshop was a great reminder to do so."

"It is great to have wall partitions, portable beds, and portable toilets. The best case scenario is to have no disaster at all, but I feel safer knowing that we have those equipment. I hope more residents will learn about this."


Participants also reviewed evacuation center layouts with the Saga Architect Association during the workshop.

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