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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Day 4 - Team Continues Providing Relief Items, Medical Assistance, and SAR Operations

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】Civic Force Featured in Media

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Team Rescues a Survivor

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Relief Items Available on GoodLinks

Category News

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    Kamaishi Restoration Project - Reviving the Local Ecosystem with Rosa Rugosa

    PressRelease NPOPartnerProjects Partnership
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    【Event】 Disaster Symposium - Business, Government, and CSOs Working Together to Provide Assistance

    PressRelease NPOPartnerProjects Partnership
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    【Media】 Civic Force Featured in News Outlets

    PressRelease NPOPartnerProjects Partnership
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    【Press】 4/16 Rosa Rugosa Planting Day in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture

    PressRelease NPOPartnerProjects Partnership
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    【Media】 3/28 Civic Force Featured in Player’s Plus

    Media News
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    【Earthquakes in Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture】 Gathering Information

    ActivityReport News
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    News Letter Vol.26 is Now Available -Eleven Years Since the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Newsletter News NPOPartnerProjects
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    Civic Force Receives Appreciation Award from Saga Prefecture

    ActivityReport News
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    News Letter Vol.25 is Now Available -“Be Prepared” Again for 2022

    Newsletter News
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    【Media】 Civic Force Featured in Hiroshima Athletes Magazine (January 2022)

    Media News

    Click here to read articles before 2019. (You will be directed to the old website.)