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【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 NPO Partner Project - Free Transportation Service


“I want to go clean up my house since it hasn’t been touched since the earthquake.” 

“I want to prepare to move into temporary housing.” 

“I want to go and take care of graves.”

More than four months have passed since the disaster and water supply continues to be cut off in some areas, and some people continue to live as evacuees from their homes in Kanazawa and surrounding areas. One of the common struggles the communities raised is the lack of transportation.

In response to these requests, BIG UP Ishinomaki began providing transportation support in April. BIG UP Ishinomaki is a Civic Force’s partner organization through NPO Partner Project. Since BIG UP Ishinomaki started their ride service, they have provided 45 trips for 73 people. 

Many of the people who used the transportation service had their cars damaged in the disaster, had surrendered their driver's licenses due to their age, or they had no means of transportation, 


BIG UP Ishinomaki was established after the Great East Japan Earthquake and has supported communities impacted by various disasters ever since. They have been providing various support with other aid organizations including soup kitchens, relief item distributions, portable showers and laundry booths.


How You Can Help

GlobalGiving (For donors outside of Japan)

Donate through bank transfer

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank (Aoyama Branch): Account # 7027403

Japan Post Bank: Account #00140-6-361805 (Please specify "For 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake)

*The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

**Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.


Your donations will be used to provide relief items through GoodLinks, search and rescue operations, medical assistance, and other assistance urgently needed by the people impacted by the disaster.

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