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【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 NPO Partner Projects - Small Cove Project

Safe Place to Gather


Three months have passed since the Noto Peninsula earthquake occurred on New Year's Day 2024. In Ishikawa Prefecture, more than 8,000 people are still forced to live as evacuees and in parts of five cities and towns, including Suzu City, water continues to be scarce. Civic Force continues to deliver needed supplies to the Oku-Noto area through the online matching platform "Good Links." In addition, since March, Civic Force has been working on the NPO Partner Project to support people evacuated to Kanazawa City.

Starting at the end of March, Civic Force began working with the owners of Cafe Cove who fled Suzu City and started an initiative called the Small Cove Project. Cafe Cove was a stylish cafe located near Kinoura Beach in Suzu City, overlooking the bay at the northernmost tip of the Noto Peninsula, but was forced to close due to the effects of the tsunami and earthquake. The cafe owners evacuated to Kanazawa City, but they started a small cafe in front of Kanazawa Station hoping to create a place for evacuees in Kanazawa City to gather together.

People who have been forced to bounce around can enjoy healthy meals while sharing their worries while living in evacuation zones and how to rebuild their lives. This place brings hope to those who visit.

During the pre-planning event held in February, the participants commented, “I was able to see everyone's smiling faces for the first time in a while after the earthquake” and “I was able to get my daily life back.” The event was a great opportunity for not only evacuees but also people living in Kanazawa City to get to know the lives impacted by the disaster.

This NPO Partner Project will support the Small Cove Project in providing a gathering place. Additionally, to connect with evacuees who tend to be isolated, there is a plan to hold not only a permanent cafe but also temporary cafes through events.

After the disaster, the people of Noto had been meeting face-to-face and trying to overcome this great hardship together. However, as soon as they went outside of Noto, they all became separated.

People have been overwhelmed with anxiety and have no place for rest, and the Small Cove Project aims to create a space where people can rejoice in being reunited and safe, and where everyone can look at each other and smile.


How You Can Help

GlobalGiving (For donors outside of Japan)

Donate through bank transfer

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank (Aoyama Branch): Account # 7027403

Japan Post Bank: Account #00140-6-361805 (Please specify "For 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake)

*The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

**Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.


Your donations will be used to provide relief items through GoodLinks, search and rescue operations, medical assistance, and other assistance urgently needed by the people impacted by the disaster.

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