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【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Air Purifiers Delivered to Public Bath

For the past two months, Civic Force and our partner organizations have continued to support the communities affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. 

In mid-February, Civic Force delivered three air purifiers to Amida-yu, a public bath in Suzu city. “Since we re-opened in the past few weeks, we were worried about infectious diseases. These air purifiers have been useful.”


Amida-yu, opened 35 years ago, is a public bath that has long been loved by locals but the recent earthquake caused tiles in the bathroom to come off and part of the ceiling to fall. The ground subsidence created a large pothole in the parking lot and water pipes were also damaged. At one point, it seemed that it would be difficult to resume operations, but fortunately there was no major damage to the boiler equipment and with the support of people both inside and outside the area, the plumbing equipment used to pump underground water was repaired.

Nearly 400 people come to the public bath daily. Many people come to Amida-yu - those mentally and physically exhausted, those who have lost their homes and are living in evacuation centers, and people who are fixing and cleaning their homes while working.


Civic Force supports local organizations like Amida-yu through NPO Partner Projects and continues to provide necessary support in the affected areas.

How You Can Help

GlobalGiving (For donors outside of Japan)

Donate through bank transfer

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank (Aoyama Branch): Account # 7027403

Japan Post Bank: Account #00140-6-361805 (Please specify "For 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake)

*The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

**Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.


Your donations will be used to provide relief items through GoodLinks, search and rescue operations, medical assistance, and other assistance urgently needed by the people impacted by the disaster.

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