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【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Supporting Residents Living in Damaged Houses

In Suzu City, 6,000 people sought refuge in more than 80 evacuation centers. However, not everyone who was impacted by the disaster is staying at an evacuation center. Families with small children, pets, and other concerns often decide to live in their cars or damaged houses. These residents are often overlooked by public assistance.


On January 12, 2024, Civic Force delivered mattresses to people staying in their homes and other locations outside of evacuation centers. “My house was damaged by the earthquake and not livable. I fled to a small office in the city. I can sleep better with the mattress. Thank you,” said one resident.

The Noto Peninsula is experiencing cold winter weather and ARROWS has provided needed supplies such as heaters, portable toilets, and air mattresses. 

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How You Can Help

GlobalGiving (For donors outside of Japan)

Donate through bank transfer

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank (Aoyama Branch): Account # 7027403

Japan Post Bank: Account #00140-6-361805 (Please specify "For 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake)

*The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

**Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.


Your donations will be used to provide relief items through GoodLinks, search and rescue operations, medical assistance, and other assistance urgently needed by the people impacted by the disaster.

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