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News News EvacuationCenter MedicalAssistance

【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 More than 100 People Use Water System in One Day

Elderly woman rescued after 124 hours

An elderly woman in Suzu City was rescued from a collapsed house after 124 hours. ARROWS’ doctor provided medical assistance at the rescue site. For more details, please click here.

Dire need for water

On January 4, Civic Force began provision of water supply systems in evacuation centers. Many evacuees gathered at the evacuation center to use the water system. Over 100 people came to collect much needed safe water. “We heard from the residents that there are areas still unreached by outside assistance. We hope to connect them with the appropriate resources. One week has passed since the earthquake and the water outage may lead to water-borne diseases. We hope the clean water can be a beacon of hope for the affected people,” said a Civic Force staff member at the evacuation center. 

The emergency team continues conducting needs assessments. At another evacuation center, mattresses were distributed and relief items such as fuel were distributed to evacuees staying at their damaged homes.


How You Can Help

GlobalGiving (For donors outside of Japan)

Donate through bank transfer

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank (Aoyama Branch): Account # 7027403

Japan Post Bank: Account #00140-6-361805 (Please specify "For 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake)

*The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

**Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.


Your donations will be used to provide relief items through GoodLinks, search and rescue operations, medical assistance, and other assistance urgently needed by the people impacted by the disaster.

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