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News Letter Vol.31 is Now Available -Overcoming Repeated Disasters and Preparing for the Next

This year Japan was again repeatedly hit by disasters. In May, Oku-Noto Earthquake occurred in Ishikawa Prefecture. In July, the active seasonal rain front led to the formation of linear rainbands in northern Kyushu and other parts of Japan, flooding buildings and farmlands. In September, Typhoon 13 hit Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Chiba, damaging over 3,000 houses.


Since these disasters the people of the affected areas seem to be gradually returning to business as usual. However, as people start to find some relief after going through the daily struggle they might suddenly feel physical and psychological fatigue. They also need to prepare for the winter cold and for the New Year. Although Civic Force has completed its search-and-rescue operations and relief item distribution, we continue to visit affected people and meet needs for new supplies and services.


In this newsletter, we look back on this year’s natural disasters and our assistance activities in affected areas. We also report on our recent endeavors in disaster prevention and disaster mitigation.


translated by YWCA ILV

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