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【Ishikawa Earthquake】ARROWS Supporting Evacuation Center in Suzu City

ARROWS has been providing emergency relief assistance in Ishikawa Prefecture. The team was deployed to Ishikawa on May 5 and arrived in Suzu City the next day. Damage and needs assessments were conducted and the team began coordinating medical support and relief item distribution. 


Please take a moment to read the report below received from the staff on the ground.

On May 7, we helped set up an evacuation center at an elementary school gymnasium. There was another evacuation center being established at a nearby community center. However, ARROWS staff and local municipality found cracks in the walls and other damage to the building due to the earthquake. Further assessment by an expert determined that the ceiling might collapse with aftershocks and the evacuees were moved to the school gymnasium. The evacuees initially only had gym mats for sleeping. ARROWS then volunteered to plan and set up the evacuation center layout and installed tents.


When planning an evacuation center layout, the ARROWS team leader explained that it is important to protect the privacy of the evacuees and create a system which provides an overview of the special considerations for each evacuee. The layout will be modified as different needs arise. ARROWS made sure to work closely with the center management team to promote ownership. 

With help from other organizations and school teachers, the evacuation center was set up in only four hours and the evacuees were able to move in the same day.


In Suzu, rain continues to pour and the recovery work is not going smoothly. Many affected residents remain at damaged homes or sleep in their cars and ARROWS is looking into supporting them. 

Civic Force is also conducting needs assessments for NPO Partner Projects. 

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