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News Letter Vol.28 is Now Available -Delivering Needed Relief Items

This summer, the Japanese archipelago was again hit by a series of natural disasters. 

Beginning August 3, 2022, record-breaking heavy rains caused extensive damages to reportedly more than 7,000 houses in 25 prefectures from Hokkaido to Kyushu. In Niigata Prefecture, 2,434 houses were flooded above or below floor level.

Typhoon 14 struck on September 14 and is said to be one of the most powerful typhoons of all time, wreaking havoc across the Kyushu, Tokai and Kanto regions. Typhoon 15 followed just 10 days later flooding large parts of Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. More than 15,000 houses in total were affected by Typhoons 14 and 15, and restoration works are still yet to be completed. Disaster volunteer centers set up in Shizuoka Prefecture continue to recruit volunteers.

These disasters have been designated as “severe disasters” and the government subsidizes the cost of restoration and reconstruction of roads, farmlands and schools. However, affected people are now entering a crucial phase in rebuilding their lives. Victims must remove dirt, mold, and debris which require specialized knowledge, but some feel uncertain because they find the post-disaster assistance system difficult to understand.

In this newsletter, we report on the assistance activities for the areas affected by heavy rains and typhoons that struck in August and September this year.

translated by YWCA ILV

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