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【2022 August Heavy Rains】 Civic Force Delivers Relief Items through Good Links

Record level heavy rains over Hokuriku and Tohoku began on August 3, causing flooding and leaving destruction across the regions. Many houses were damaged and recovery efforts are underway.

On August 6, Civic Force delivered 500 emergency water bags to Niigata through Good Links, an online matching platform. Operated by Civic Force, Good Links connects corporate partners looking to provide goods and services to aid organizations in need of resources.


Some areas in Niigata are still experiencing water outages. Water bags will be distributed to affected residents through local partner organizations.

Available relief items:

Available relief items are listed here for organizations in need of relief items. Registration is required to procure items through Good Links.


Non-profit organizations, welfare organizations, and other civic society organizations that are supporting low-income individuals and disaster assistance.



Now Accepting Donations

◆ Credit card

◆ Bank transfer

Bank: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Aoyama Branch

Account: 6977180

Account Name: Civic Force

◆ Japan Post

Account: 00140-6-361805

Account Name: Civic Force

*Please write “For 2022 August heavy rains” in the memo section.

*15% of your donations will be used for general management support

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