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Civic Force Merges with A-PAD Japan

September 1st is Disaster Prevention Day in Japan.

This day is in remembrance of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake and to prepare for future disasters.

For Civic Force, an organization centered around disaster response, September 1st marks an important day, a time to bolster our organization for new challenges.

Civic Force is pleased to announce that we have merged with our partner organization, the Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management Japan (A-PAD Japan). Based in Saga Prefecture, A-PAD Japan will contribute its extensive experience in disaster assistance activities in the Kyushu region. This merger will allow us to bring greater impact in disaster response and further strengthen our emergency preparedness mechanism.

Merger Information

Organization name: Civic Force

Executive Director: Kaori Neki

HQ: Tomigaya Ogawa Bldg.2F, 2-41-12 Tomigaya,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo

Saga Office: 6F, 1-3-5 Matsubara, Saga City, Saga Prefecture (newly added in April 2021)

Saga Prefecture's Furusato Nozei is now available to support Civic Force.

Civic Force is currently providing relief assistance for the August 2021 heavy rain disasters in Saga.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Merger

What kind of organization is A-PAD Japan?

A-PAD Japan is a non-profit organization that provides emergency humanitarian assistance, disaster recovery, and disaster preparedness in and outside of Japan. Through their activities, A-PAD Japan aims to build a better Asia-Pacific region. In 2012, Civic Force took the lead in establishing a trans-national disaster aid alliance called the Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD). A-PAD Japan is the Japanese national platform established in Saga in 2015. A-PAD has six member countries (Japan, South Korean, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Bangladesh). Each country platform works with local businesses, NGOs, and governments.

Why did Civic Force and A-PAD Japan merge in 2021?

In recent years, natural disasters are occurring more frequently. Major earthquakes are likely to happen in Japan in the next 30 years and the merger will allow for speedier response through the rich experiences that each organization can bring to the table. Civic Force has a vast network in Japan with years of experience in disaster response and A-PAD Japan has strong partnerships with organizations overseas. This is a merger of equals and the heads of two organizations continue to serve under Civic Force.

Why is there a branch office in Saga?

Large-scale disasters occur across Japan each year. Civic Force required a base in Kyushu, an area affected by frequent disasters, to strengthen its disaster response capacity. A-PAD Japan was headquartered in Saga and expanded its disaster assistance operations. Building on the experiences and network established in Saga, Civic Force will utilize the Furusato Nozei donation scheme, strengthen partnerships with local municipalities, and continue building our emergency assistance mechanism.

I was an A-PAD Japan supporter. What will change?

Firstly, thank you for your continuous support! Your supporter information will be transferred to Civic Force. Please make donations out to Civic Force. Civic Force has over 600 partners and many years of experience with local NGOs in disaster response.

I was a Civic Force support. What will change?

Once again, thank you for your continuous support! No changes will be made related to the donation account, address, and the organization name.


Please reach out to us via this contact form if you have any questions regarding this merger.

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