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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 More than 100 People Use Water System in One Day

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Be Aware of Fake Donation Sites

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Relief Item Distribution and Water System Installation

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Portable Toilets Distributed to Evacuation Centers

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    【2023 Heavy Rain】 Civic Force Delivers Portable Water Bags and Disposable Toilets from Saga to Fukuoka

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    【2023 Heavy Rain】 Civic Force Delivers Portable Toilets to Hospital in Kurume, Fukuoka Pref.

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    【2023 Heavy Rain】 Donation Account Now Opened

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    【Kyushu Heavy Rain】 Gathering Information

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    【Registration Open】 6/16 Online Workshop “Successful Grant Application - Best Practices and Challenges”

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  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    【Media】 Civic Force Featured in Yahoo!, Nippon TV, and More

    ProvidingReliefItems Media Partnership
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Leveraging the Private Sector during Disaster Recovery

    ProvidingReliefItems Media Partnership
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    【Ishikawa Earthquake】ARROWS Supporting Evacuation Center in Suzu City

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    【Ishikawa Earthquake】Gathering Information

  • COVID-19 Response

    【COVID-19】 Donation Account Now Closed


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