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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Civic Force Featured in TV Asahi

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Relief Item Distribution at Public Bath

  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    【Media】 Civic Force Featured in Forbes Japan

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 Clothes Delivered to Evacuation Centers

Category Support disaster-affected areas

  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Ten Years since the Disaster: Moving Forward

    10thAnniversary Newsletter
  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Donation Account Closed

  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Online Memorial Ceremonies

    10thAnniversary ActivityReport
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    3.11 Online Memorial Ceremonies

    10thAnniversary ActivityReport
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Looking into the Past, Present, and Future - Leaflet Now Available

    10thAnniversary ActivityReport
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Looking into the Past, Present, and Future: Vol 4. Message from Mr. Konno Ryota

    10thAnniversary ActivityReport
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Looking into the Past, Present, and Future: Vol 3. Message from Ms. Miri Yu

    10thAnniversary ActivityReport
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Looking into the Past, Present, and Future: Vol 2. Message from Ms.Yoshie Kaneko

    10thAnniversary ActivityReport
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Looking into the Past, Present, and Future: Vol 1. Message from Mr. Jin Sato

    ActivityReport 10thAnniversary
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Leaflet for Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Program "NPO Partner Projects"

    NPOPartnerProjects ActivityReport

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