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3/11 and Invasion of Ukraine - Message from 3/11 Japan Nuclear Disaster Aid Association

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As of March 2022, Civic Force has been working with 25 organizations in the Tohoku and Kyushu regions through NPO Partner Projects to support disaster-affected areas.

Our assistance work for the Great East Japan Earthquake focuses on community revitalization, retreats in Fukushima, and passing down memories of the disaster. Retreats in Fukushima provide safe outdoor spaces for children and families who have been impacted by the nuclear disaster and promote healthy growth for children.

After 11 years, the need for retreats still exists. However, public funding for retreats is limited and only small-scale projects are currently being implemented.

Since 2020, the 3/11 Japan Neclear Disaster Aid Association has partnered with Civic Force, connecting 58 organizations across the country implementing retreats. The Association continues to connect with people despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The Association shared their public statement on the recent invasion of Ukraine and the Russian takeover of Chernobyl, pleading for individuals across nations to come together and support the affected people.

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