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Great East Japan Earthquake SupportDreams 10thAnniversary ActivityReport

New NPO Partner Project Launched in April with 4 Organizations

Civic Force's NPO Partner Projects for the Great East Japan Earthquake focuses on community reconstruction, Fukushima and retreats, and the perseverance of memories. Please take a moment to read about the new projects launched in March-April. You can also learn more about the project including durations, budgets, and more; here.

Kokoro Smile Project

Mental health support for families (Miyagi)

Kokoro Smile Project has been supporting children who lost their families and loved ones to the disaster. Support activities include home visits, tutoring, grief counseling, counseling for children experiencing social withdrawal, and tackling mental health issues. With little public funding available for mental health support due to a limited number of beneficiaries, fundraising has been a challenge. Civic Force is standing with the Kokoro Smile Project to support families with their mental health support.

Kosodate-ship (Parenting-ship)

Parenting support from pregnancy (Iwate)

Kosodate-ship was established by midwives in Iwate to provide child-friendly environments in the disaster-affected areas. The group provides comprehensive support consisting of pre and postnatal care, maternity school, baby classes, and disaster preparedness classes to protect infants and toddlers.


SDGs Implementation by Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) (Fukushima)

Shinsei is supporting PwDs who lost their homes to the nuclear disaster and fled to a nearby city in Koriyama. Shinsei manages a farm called "SDGs Implementation Hub" where people can enjoy nature and each other's company. Both indoor and outdoor workshops are held throughout the year and the Hub is being built by businesses and local residents. Shinsei is planning on hosting study sessions on SDGs.

Ishinomaki Revival Support Network

Family-friendly space and community-building activities (Miyagi)

Civic Force has previously supported the Network with their soup kitchen activities for mothers and children. Building on lessons learned, the Ishinomaki Revival Support Network is operating a shelter to protect mothers and children from domestic abuse and provide referral support. Employment assistance activities are also provided by the Network. Community-building activities at public housing focus on the eldery who might feel isolated from the disaster and COVID-19.

  • Great East Japan Earthquake

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    Bank Transfer

    Aoyama Branch (Branch No. 258)
    5-9-12, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan

    ACCOUNT NO.6953964
    TomigayaOgawa Bldg.2F, 2-41-12 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063, Japan

    *The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".
    **Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.

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