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Great East Japan Earthquake 10thAnniversary Newsletter

Ten Years since the Disaster: Moving Forward

At 14:46 on March 11, 2021, which marked the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, figures of people could be seen offering a memorial prayer under the deep blue sky of the Sanriku coast. Numerous balloons flew towards the sky, each carrying a message for lost ones such as "I hope to see you with a smile someday" and "I will move forward one step at a time."

More than 18,000 people were victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The memorial events held every March 11 at various locations have an important meaning for the people who lost their family or loved ones - they are places to offer prayers for the victims as well as to share the pain and thoughts of revival. On the other hand, as time has gone by since the disaster, it is becoming difficult for local volunteers and sympathizers to continue the memorial gatherings. This year, organizers were faced with an especially difficult decision from the pandemic.

Under these circumstances, in March of last year and this year, Civic Force supported the groups that decided to hold a memorial event. Civic Force covered their expenses for infection prevention measures, online events, and supported their activities.

The sense of loss and sorrow for the victims will not disappear with the passage of time, and PTSD symptoms may sometimes appear. Now that ten years have passed, Civic Force will continue supporting the ongoing mental care and town planning activities to energize the local communities.

In this issue we will introduce the new projects supporting Tohoku which will start in April.

NewsLetter Vol.23eng.pdf (Trancelated by 国際語学ボランティアズILV

  • Great East Japan Earthquake

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