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2021 August Heavy Rain (Kyushu) NPOPartnerProjects News

[Press] 10/22 Donation Ceremony in Saga


Donation ceremony for organizations working in the affected areas

Civic Force received a 1,200,000 yen donation from Platform of Emergency Assistance for the Disaster (PEAD) for our 2021 August heavy rain assistance activity with Galapagos, a local organization providing support for children. The donation ceremony will be hosted at Takeo City Hall and attended by Mayor Komatsu, Civic Force, Galapagos, and another recipient organization.

Please see below for more details. 

DATE: Friday, October 22, 2021; 2PM - 2:30PM

VENUE: 4th Floor, Takeo City Hall 

This ceremony was originally planned on Friday, September 17, 2021 and postponed due to a typhoon.

Civic Force has disaster assistance agreements with Saga, Omachi, and Takeo in Saga Prefecture.

Civic Force is accepting donations through Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax). Please help us provide assistance activities in the affected area.

What is PEAD?

Platform for Emergency Assistance for the Disaster (PEAD) is a group of fifty people including IT business owners and investors. The plant was to build a disaster assistance mechanism for a quick and flexible response. PEAD seeks partnerships with other organizations, gathers information, distributes relief items, and coordinates volunteers

Contact: TEL:0952-20-2900 (Inoue); E-mail:


Civic Force began working with Galapagos through NPO Partner Projects in September. Please read more here:


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