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2021 August Heavy Rain (Kyushu) NPOPartnerProjects ActivityReport

Civic Force Partners with After-School Program, Galapagos, in Takeo, Saga

Bringing Back Safe Spaces for Children

"No child is denied admission." Under this motto, Galapagos in Takeo, Saga Prefecture provides an after-school program for children including those with developmental disabilities. The program was suspended for two days starting August 14, 2021 after the facility was flooded. Galapagos resumed the program at another location in Kiyama, 1.5 hours from Takeo.


Civic Force began working with Galapagos through the NPO Partner Projects in September to support their activities.

The commute to Kiyama is a big burden for the children with disabilities and their parents, and the facility in Kiyama does not have enough space to accommodate the program participants. The NPO Partner Project with Civic Force found a new location at a middle school in Takeo. The previously unused classroom is now equipped with TV, DVD players, learning tools and toys, and computers to provide an adequate learning environment.

Galapagos is a vital program for the community because they accept students regardless of their needs. For the students experiencing difficulties adjusting to the drastic change in their lives, the rain disaster exacerbated the problem. Galapagos is working hard to provide tailor-made services for each student and return some normalcy to their lives.


The NPO Partner Project with Galapagos is supported by PEAD (Platform of Emergency Assistance in the Disaster).

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