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2021 August Heavy Rain (Kyushu) ProvidingReliefItems ActivityReport

Donate Cleaning and Hygiene Supplies to Volunteer and Evacuation Centers

Disaster-affected residents of Saga Prefecture are seen cleaning up flooded homes and offices. Disaster volunteers will be dispatched starting this weekend. On August 20, 2021, Civic Force delivered cleaning supplies including long boots, buckets, bleach, and t-shirts to the Omachi Volunteer Center.


Civic Force also delivered relief items received from SEMA (Social Emergency Management Alliance) to Omachi's evacuation center and Takeo City Hall. The relief items were donated from SEMA's member companies. Many residents cannot take a shower and distributed items included body wipes and beverages to ease the summer heat. Relief items procured through SEMA are as follow:

plant-based drinks (Asahi Ryokuken); body wipes (FSX and Lion); sports drinks (Kirin Holdings); emergency pouch jello foods (BOSAI POINT PROJECT); and tarps (Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.)

Ikea blankets and blue shopping bags were also well received. "They are useful to carry items," noted beneficiaries. Civic Force is also providing plastic wraps, air fresheners, and female hygiene products.


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