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2021 August Heavy Rain (Kyushu) ProvidingReliefItems ActivityReport

Building on Past Experience - Provides Supplies at Evacuation Center in Saga

Record levels of torrential rains over western Japan continue and six people are dead in three prefectures as of August 15, 2021. Search operations continue in the affected areas.


In Saga Prefecture where Civic Force's office is located, an evacuation order was issued to 72,000 households (186,006 people) as of August 14 and many residents were forced to evacuate. As a member of ARROWS, Civic Force distributed the following relief items on August 15 and 16 at four evacuation centers (113 households; 233 residents as of August 15). Civic Force also conducted needs assessments at Takeo City's Disaster Response Management headquarters.

August 15

179 bottles of hand sanitizers; 136 large towels; 207 pillows; 16 lanterns and 64 batteries; 10 fans; 300 bottles of vegetable and fruit juice (*lanterns and fans are provided free of charge)

August 16

318 bags of juice and tea; 300 paper cups; 400 sets of chopsticks; 128 instant miso soup; 160 instant corn soup; 10 packs/20 boxes of coffee; 30 packs bug repellent; 20 anti-itch cream.


Civic Force has partnership agreements with the cities of Omachi and Takeo. Both municipalities were heavily affected by flood disasters two years ago. In Omachi, building on past disaster experience, many residents moved their vehicles in advance and avoided damage to their cars. However, some just began reconstructing their houses and stores and feel devastated to be hit by yet another flood.

Civic Force organized a mock evacuation center event with Omachi on August 1, 2021. Evacuation center operations reflect the lessons learned from past disasters and the event, however, prolonged evacuation may cause a shortage of relief items. Civic Force continues to provide relief assistance in Saga and expand relief item distribution in Fukuoka to reach as many people as possible.

Thank you for your continuous support.


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