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2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami) ActivityReport NPOPartnerProjects

NPO Partner Project Launched for Community Cafe

Building our own future and fostering a social space for local residents


On July 3, 2021, massive landslides struck Atami in Shizuoka Prefecture. In response, Civic Force provided a free shuttle service, taxi voucher program, and relief items to the affected communities. In September, Civic Force launched new NPO Partner Projects with five local organizations to implement activities including support for affected families and children, restoration of a local temple, and animal rescue.

On December 16, 2021, one of the partner organizations, Tenkarasen, launched a crowdfunding project to make a community cafe.

Donations are accepted through the crowdfunding website, CAMPFIRE, until January 22, 2022. The team is aspiring to create a cafe where people can come together and enjoy each other’s company. Thank you for considering supporting the reconstruction efforts led by Tenkarasen.

Goal: 4,500,000 yen

Duration: December 16, 2021 - January 22, 2022 (38 days)

Thank you gift: Donors can receive thank-you gifts (500 yen worth or more)

Please read our press release for more details.


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