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2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami) SchoolSupplies ActivityReport

Civic Force Delivers School Supplies to Izusan Elementary School

Summer break is almost over in Japan and the new school year for Atami's elementary schools starts on August 24, 2021. Today, Civic Force delivered school supplies for Izusan Elementary School students who were affected by the recent mudslide disaster. The supplies included gym clothes and indoor shoes. Donated goods from Tozu Co-op and partner organizations including school backpacks, umbrellas, and writing supplies were also delivered.


A school supply shop who participated in the donation said, "We wanted to do something but could not procure everything on our own. We were glad we got to work with Civic Force to get everything we needed for the students. They will be very happy."


For the past month, a shuttle bus service has been in operation for students. One parent told Civic Force, "Commuting from the evacuation center is very far and difficult. Please continue the service!" At the beneficiaries' request, Civic Force will continue the service during the new school year.

The school supply distribution was made possible with your generous donations! Thank you for your continuous support as many evacuees are still unable to return to their homes.

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