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2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami) ActivityReport

Three Years Since West Japan Floods - Building on Lessons Learned

Today marks the three year anniversary of the West Japan floods, the worst flood disaster of the Heisei era (1989-2019). 281 people lost lives to the disaster in Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures and the indirect disaster-related death toll is up to 81 people. Civic Force conducted rescue operations, relief item distributions, and implemented mid to long-term recovery activities. To this day, around 460 people in Okayama, Hiroshima, and Ehime prefectures still live in temporary housing.


After the mudslide occurred in Atami on July 3, on July 6, the municipality released a list of missing persons in hopes to gather information. Two evacuation centers in the city are currently hosting 560 evacuees who fled the mudslides and many left their homes without taking any belongings. In coordination with the municipality and healthcare workers, the Atami New Fujiya Hotel, one of the evacuation centers, is providing evacuees with private rooms, bath facilities, and hot meals.

Civic Force began an on-ground needs assessment in Atami on July 5. With the evacuation anticipated to be long, the team sent masks, underwear, and hand sanitizers from its warehouse in Saga. The items will be distributed starting July 7. In the midst of summer, relief items and services against the heat in addition to COVID-19 prevention measures will be required.


Around Izusan in Atami where the mudslide occurred, some areas are experiencing water and gas outages. Civic Force will be conducting a needs assessment in those areas and begin relief item distribution and service deliveries.

Civic Force will continue addressing the needs of the survivors, ensuring adequate living conditions at evacuation centers, and supporting disaster-related mortality prevention measures.

Our activities are made possible by your generous support. Thank you for your continuous support.

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