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2020 July Heavy Rain ActivityReport

COVID-19 Prevention Measures Taken by Staff Members

Civic Force’s joint emergency team, ARROWS (Airborne Rescue and Relief Operations With Search) has been providing relief assistance for the people affected by the recent flood disasters in the Kumamoto area since July 4. The initial response team members left the affected areas today. ARROWS plans to provide reconstruction support to the people affected by the disaster. We would like to thank our donors for your support.

During our assistance activities, ARROWS implemented infection prevention measures including:

  1. Wearing masks
  2. Monitoring body temperature, sleeping time, and body condition every morning

Eachstaff continues to monitor their own health and none of the team members show any signs of COVID-19 symptoms so far.

Civic Force is currently conducting needs assessments to begin the NPO Partner Project in the affected areas. NPO Partner Project was first launched in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake to provide recovery and reconstruction activities. Civic Force has worked with over 70 organizations through this initiative.

Civic Force will be working with local organizations to provide recovery and reconstruction assistance in the affected areas.

Thank you for your continuous support.

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