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2020 July Heavy Rain IsolatedVillages InfectionPrevention EvacuationCenter MedicalAssistance ProvidingReliefItems ActivityReport

One Week Since the Disaster ― Updates on Assistance Activities

The record-level torrential rain that began on July 4 left 66 people dead (as of July 10) and many areas are still isolated. Search operations for missing people are still on-going.

When the disaster hit on July 4, Civic Force's joint emergency assistance team, ARROWS (Airborne Rescue and Relief Operations With Search), dispatched 25 members including doctors, nurses, and search-and-rescue (SAR) members with three SAR dogs. The team utilized two helicopters, vehicles, amphibious vehicles, and boats and provided prompt assistance activities. Please take a moment to read our activity report.


Medical Assistance

On July 4, ARROWS transferred patients who were rescued from a flooded nursing home to nearby hospitals. The medical team also treated evacuees at evacuation centers and prescribed medications. 


Rescue Operations

On July 7, ARROWS delivered relief items to 70 victims who were stranded at a nursery school in Kuma and provided medical examinations. On July 8, the team rescued over 20 people who were stranded and transferred them to safety.


Evacuation Center Management

Since July 4, ARROWS helped manage five evacuation centers in Kumamoto. Kuma Athletic Park was a makeshift evacuation center where evacuees slept on the ground with only a vinyl sheet. The park is now used as a storehouse for relief items after ARROWS facilitated transferring the evacuees to two safer evacuation centers. ARROWS also assisted setting up the new evacuation centers.


COVID-19 Prevention

In the midst of the COVID-19 concern, ARROWS is providing specialized support at evacuation centers. Civic Force's tents are used as isolation areas in case evacuees have fevers. ARROWS is also promoting increased awareness for infection prevention including handwashing and gargling through placing advocacy posters.


Procurement and Distribution of Relief Items

ARROWS is working with relevant stakeholders to provide timely relief item distributions. The distributed items are as below.  These distributions were made possible through our generous donors, corporate partners, and the Social Emergency Management Alliance (SEMA).


10 tents, handbooks on evacuation center management, masks, beverages, disinfectants, non-contact thermometers, hand lotions, bedding sets, fans, tarpaulins, underwear, socks, children's clothing and masks, bags, power strips, batteries, clocks, pens and pads, anti mosquito coils, diapers


Pillows, towels, mattresses, socks, beverages, non-contact thermometers, masks, bleach

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