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2020 July Heavy Rain MedicalAssistance ActivityReport

Civic Force Dispatches Emergency Assistance Team to Affected Areas in Kumamoto

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, the southern Kyushu region experienced a record level rainfall and around 180,000 households in Kumamoto and Kagoshima Prefectures were ordered to evacuate on the morning of July 4.

Enormous damage including flooded homes, landslides, and isolated communities have been reported. In response, as a member of ARROWS (Airborne Rescue & Relief Operations With Search), Civic Force was sent to affected areas near the flooded Kuma River in Kumamoto on July 4.

ARROWS' medical team provided medical assistance to a flooded nursing home, Senjuen. Flood water gushed into the facility on early July 4 and nearly 70 residents and staff became stranded. ARROWS transferred the nursing home residents from an evacuation center to nearby hospitals, examined the nursing home residents and evacuees, and prescribed medicine. ARROWS joined the Self Defense Force and Japan Coast Guard to assist patient transfer operations by vehicle as the ARROWS' doctor carefully examined each patient.


Search and rescue dogs and their handlers assisted a search and rescue operation in the Ashikita area led by a local fire deparment where three people were missing after massive landslides. The team continued the operations until late at night looking for the missing individuals.

ARROWS also sent a group to two evacuation centers in Hitoyoshi which was experiencing widespread flood damage. The team delivered masks, disinfectants, non-contact thermometers, and guidebooks on evacuation center management. Masks and disinfectants were stored at a stockpile kept for emergency disaster assistance.  The guidebook was published in June and it highlights practical guidance including how to incorporate COVID-19 prevention measures, how to coordinate assistance from external stakeholders, and how to handle the media.

Hitoyoshi Sports Palace is sheltering around 500 evacuees as of July 4. One evacuation staff member at the Sport Palace said, "We will have more evacuees tomorrow but we currently do not have enough relief items. Infection prevention items are very useful. Thank you."


Prioritizing life-saving activities, ARROWS not only gathers information from the news and affected municipalities but also pays close attention to social media posts by individuals. The full extent of the damages caused by the record-level heavy rain is yet to be seen.  Recovery and reconstruction efforts will be expected to last for a long time and uncertainty looms over the lives of the affected people. 

ARROWS continues to provide assistance activities today.

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Bank name Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Aoyama Branch
Account number 6977180 
Account  Civic Force

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