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COVID-19 Response ActivityReport NPOPartnerProjects

TEDIC - NPO Helping Children and Families - Looking for Student Volunteers

Rising Telephone Consultations Amidst Pandemic

Two years have passed since the spread of COVID-19 began in Japan in February 2020. Many industries have been affected, restrictions have negatively impacted mental health, and the wealth disparity has widened. Unfortunately, children’s well-being has not been spared.

 “We receive over 60 calls in a month. Especially since the pandemic began, children express their frustrations - they want to play with friends and go outside. We also receive calls from parents and aid workers. We feel that the children are facing a crisis.” said Mr. Taira Suzuki, the head of TEDIC based in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. TEDIC is a non-profit organization providing free schooling, tutoring, and parenting consultation. 

TEDIC was established after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 to provide tutoring and safe space for children. Funded by the prefecture, TEDIC is also managing a children and youth  hotline in Ishinomaki. In April - May 2020, TEDIC conducted a survey to explore the impact of the pandemic, targeting families receiving welfare assistance and children in upper elementary school and high school. The survey revealed that children’s lives inside and outside of their homes have been negatively affected by school closures and other restrictions. TEDIC continues to receive calls from children and parents after schools resumed and the state of


"I don't want to live anymore." "I have no food."

Some callers share their dire situation including messages such as “I don’t want to live anymore” and “I have no food.” TEDIC values in-person meetings depending on the caller’s situation. Schools and local authorities do not always have the capacity to provide tailored care for children with mental health needs. TEDIC aims to provide a safe environment for children and families and support solving unique challenges. Mr. Suzuki stated his belief, “There are children who gain strength to move on after meeting trusted adults.”

TEDIC envisions communities where no one is left alone and all children can thrive regardless of their upbringing. TEDIC also advocates for a community-wide support system where children can receive comprehensive services.


Listening to Children's Voices

Civic Force has been working with TEDIC since June 2021 through NPO Partner Projects. The project is supporting TEDIC’s safe space for children and consultation activities. “Not only talking with children and families over the phone, it is important to meet with them in person to find out what is going on. I think it is critical to keep our space open for children. We really appreciate Civic Force’s assistance.” said Mr. Suzuki.

TEDIC’s core value resonates in a remark made by a child after the earthquake, “I was saved because of the disaster.” Children who have been abused and neglected at home tend to be withdrawn. Through meeting outside people who came in for disaster assistance, the children were able to meet trusted adults and began going outside. Currently, the pandemic is isolating children who might be going through other issues at home. TEDIC operates a tutoring service, home visits, free school, and individual household support. These activities are built upon a strong relationship TEDIC made with children and families.

TEDIC has a diverse group of staff members including parents and student volunteers, and they all have one mission: “We cannot leave children in need alone.” TEDIC continues to evaluate the needs of children and families to offer whatever solutions they can.


Looking for Student Volunteers

TEDIC is currently recruiting for student volunteers. Information sessions will be held in February and March.

■ Dates

  1. February 10 (Thu) 3 - 4PM
  2. February 19 (Sat) 6 - 7 PM
  3. March 19 (Sat) 6 - 7 PM

■ Format: Online (Zoom link will be sent after registration)

■ Please submit the registration form below

Learn more about Civic Force’s COVID-19 Response activities

  • COVID-19 Response

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    Bank Transfer

    Aoyama Branch (Branch No. 258)
    5-9-12, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan

    ACCOUNT NO.6953964
    TomigayaOgawa Bldg.2F, 2-41-12 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063, Japan

    *The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

    **Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.

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