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COVID-19 Response Masks ActivityReport

Surgical Masks Distribution for Japanese Medical Facilities (now closed)

Thank you for your inquiries regarding the distribution of surgical masks. We have already received an overwhelming number of requests. We will close the online application and inquiry page at 10AM on February 24. We are contacting those who have already submitted their application forms. However, please note that we may not be able to accommodate every request. (Updated on 12AM on February 24.)  

The new coronavirus (COVID-19) originated from Wuhan, China has now become rampant across the world including Japan. The best ways to avoid further spread of the virus are wearing a mask, handwashing regularly and thoroughly, using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and limiting outside activities. Unfortunately, the shortage of surgical masks in Japanese medical facilities has become a serious issue. 

As a member of Airborne Rescue and Relief Operations With Search (ARROWS), Civic Force has been assisting Chinese medical facilities since the end of January. And now Civic Force has decided to provide medical supplies stored in a stockpile (up to 160,000 surgical masks) to Japanese medical facilities. Partner hospitals with which the members of ARROWS (Civic Force, Peace Winds Japan, and A-PAD Japan) have a cooperative agreement on disaster assistance will receive supplies. In addition, ARROWS will be inviting medical facilities across Japan to submit requests for surgical masks via its website. The masks will be sent out periodically. Due to limited supply, we are limiting the number of masks for distribution to each hospital (up to 45 facilities) and ending the offer when the supply runs out. Please refer to the ARROWS website for more details(


The masks were a part of a stockpile stored in a warehouse in Fukuroi, Japan. Civic Force has a cooperative agreement on disaster response with Fukuroi. The two parties began collaborating before the Great East Japan Earthquake in various ways including disaster preparedness drills. The donations to the new coronavirus emergency assistance will be allocated to relief item distribution.

Under the guidance of two ARROWS doctors, assistance activities are being carried out with strict hygiene management to avoid infection.

Our assistance activities are supported by your generous donations. Global efforts are needed to stop the epidemic of pneumonia caused by the virus and to save as many lives as possible. Thank you for your continuing support.

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Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Aoyama Branch, 7027390 (Account #)

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Account number 00140-6-361805 *Please specify "for new coronavirus emergency assistance" in the memo section)

The account holder's names for the both banks are Civic Force or 公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース. Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operation expenses and the rest will be used to implement the assistance activities.
  • COVID-19 Response

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    Bank Transfer

    Aoyama Branch (Branch No. 258)
    5-9-12, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan

    ACCOUNT NO.6953964
    TomigayaOgawa Bldg.2F, 2-41-12 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0063, Japan

    *The account holder's names for the banks are "Civic Force" or "公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース".

    **Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.

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