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Donation Page Closes on April 30 for Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis)

It has been six months since Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis) caused a number of floods and landslides across Japan and took 86 lives in 14 prefectures.


Civic Force assisted patient transfer operations at two hospitals in Nagano for about 100 patients for a week from the onset of the disaster. Together with partnering private companies, Civic Force also distributed emergency relief items in the affected areas including underwear, winter clothes, and hygiene items. In addition, Civic Force is currently working with eight organizations through NPO Partner Project and providing mid to long-term recovery assistance such as coordinating volunteers and providing hot meals.

Donation pages for Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis) will be closed at the end of April. As of the end of March, Civic Force received donation amounts of JPY28,530,000 (USD260,000). Thank you for your generous support.

Despite the closure of the donation pages, Civic Force will continue supporting people affected by Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis) through NPO Partner Project. Due to COVID-19 concerns, our partners have been scaling down their activities and postponing events. The Project will remain flexible to the needs of the affected communities and continue supporting our partners in the long-term.

Civic Force is currently planning on COVID-19 response activities for the disaster affected areas. The details will be available shortly.

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