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Support disaster-affected areas NPOPartnerProjects ActivityReport

【Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis)】NPO Partner Projects - 9 Projects in 5 Prefectures

Four months have passed since Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis) brought tremendous damage to wide areas across the Kanto, Koshin, and Tohoku regions. 270 rivers flooded and over 100 people lost their lives to the disaster. Tens of thousands of houses were flooded and the Disaster Relief Act has been applied to 390 municipalities in 14 prefectures.

Many victims are still living in evacuation centers, temporary housing, rented homes, and even in their flooded homes without adequate clean up. Due to the widespread damage across the country, it was difficult to grasp the whole picture of the damage early on. Moreover, there are still some places that are isolated or without adequate infrastructure recovery. 

Civic Force began its assistance activities immediately after the onset of the disaster. Currently, Civic Force is assisting partner organizations that are working toward recovery and reconstruction through NPO Partner Projects. The projects have supported 9 activities implemented by 8 organizations in Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate, Tochigi, and Nagano prefectures.

You can find more about our NPO Partner Projects and partnering organizations on our website.

The recovery and reconstruction of disaster-affected areas have just begun. Thank you for your continuing support.

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Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Aoyama Branch
Account Number 7027403
Account Name Civic Force or 公益社団法人Civic Force シャ)シビックフォース.

Japan Post

Account Number 00140-6-361805
Account Name Civic Force OR 公益社団法人Civic Force

*Please specify "for new coronavirus assistance activities" in the memo section.
*Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operation expenses and the rest will be used to implement the assistance activities.

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